5 Key Shifts: The Explosive Rise of Embedded Insurance: How Every Company Can Become an Insurer

Understanding the concept of “embedded insurance” and how it’s transforming the insurance industry. Why embed insurance is becoming a focal point in the insurance distribution landscape.

Key Takeaways

  • The transformative potential of embedded insurance in the insurance market.
  • How insurers and carriers can tap into new market opportunities.
  • The role of embedded insurance in addressing the protection gap.

The Rise of Embedded Insurance in Modern Business Models

What is Embedded Insurance?

Embedded insurance, also known as embedded finance, refers to integrating insurance products and services directly into a company’s main offerings. Rather than requiring customers to seek out insurance separately, Integrated Insurance Solutions builds it seamlessly into the customer journey and point of sale.

Embedded Insurance

For example, a travel website offering travel insurance options when booking flights and hotels is utilizing seamless Insurance Integration. The insurance coverage options become part of the core booking experience.

This contrasts with more traditional models where insurance is sold and distributed as a stand-alone product, requiring proactive purchases by consumers.

Why Every Company is Looking to Offer Embedded Insurance

By embedding insurance directly into the customer journey, businesses can provide tremendous value to customers while tapping into a lucrative revenue stream. It’s a win-win scenario.

For customers, it enhances user experience by removing friction and makes obtaining insurance coverage quick and convenient. Customers can get protection immediately as part of the main transaction.

embedded insurance

For businesses, Built-in Insurance Options products represent a new profit center and help drive customer loyalty. Companies don’t have to become insurers themselves but can partner with carriers to offer white-label insurance options tailored to their customers.

As a result, embedded insurance is exploding in popularity across many sectors from travel to e-commerce, auto sales, and more. Companies want to capitalize on this opportunity.

The Insurer’s Perspective: Opportunities and Challenges

New Revenue Streams with Embedded Insurance Products

For insurance carriers and providers, embedded insurance represents an exciting opportunity to distribute products in new settings and reach demographics that traditionally may not proactively seek out insurance purchases.

Rather than relying solely on consumers coming directly to buy policies, insurers can now tap into various customer journeys and transactions to offer protection when it’s most relevant. This provides new revenue streams outside of traditional channels.

The Insurance-as-a-Service market is estimated to be worth over $700 billion in the next decade as more insurers seek distribution through new third-party channels.

embedded insurance

However, the On-the-Spot Coverage landscape also has challenges that insurers must navigate. Understanding consumer demand and tailoring products will be key.

For one, customers purchasing insurance embedded in other services have different expectations and preferences than when buying insurance on its own. Factors like convenience, speed, and relevance are more important.

Insurers will also need to adapt to collaborating through digital platforms and third-party partners to distribute products. API integration and real-time underwriting capabilities will enable embedded insurance at the point of sale.

The rise of insurtech and virtual insurance providers also means increased competition. Carriers need to leverage data and technology effectively to provide the right insurance solutions seamlessly via partners.

The Role of Carriers in the Embedded Insurance Ecosystem

Collaborating with Distribution Partners

Within the Insurance-as-a-Service model, carriers play a crucial role as the underlying providers of insurance coverage. However, distribution happens through third-party channels.

embedded insurance

This requires insurers to form close collaborations with their distribution partners whether online travel agencies, auto dealerships, e-commerce retailers, or fintech platforms.

Using modern APIs and real-time integration, carriers can embed customizable insurance products directly into partner experiences and transactions. This allows end-customers seamless access to protection options catered to their needs.

Innovating Insurance Products for the Modern Consumer

Besides partnering effectively, carriers also need to rethink product development through the lens of embedded insurance.

What types of insurance do different platforms need as part of their customer journey? How can coverage be tailored to specialized customer segments?

embedded insurance

For example, an auto manufacturer may want to embed auto warranties, maintenance protection, or guaranteed auto protection at the point of sale.

A mortgage lender may want to offer homeowners insurance options when originating loans. A health and wellness app may provide specialized accident or life insurance access.

The possibilities are endless. However, carriers need to research customer needs and innovate accordingly. Modular, customizable products will allow partnerships with diverse distributors.

Addressing the Protection Gap with Embedded Finance Solutions

What is the Protection Gap?

The protection or insurance gap refers to the disparity between what insurance coverage people should ideally have versus what they actually do.

Billions globally are underinsured against key risks like death, illness, unemployment, property damage, and liability. Closing this gap is a major opportunity for the insurance industry.

However traditional distribution has limitations in reaching underserved demographics. This makes embedded insurance a powerful tool.

How Embedded Insurance Can Bridge the Gap

Embedded insurance delivers protection when and where customers need it most, at their typical point of sale and transaction.

This can successfully bring insurance to previously underserved groups like millennials, small businesses, and middle-income families.

embedded insurance

For example, embedding customizable coverage options for gig workers on platforms where they find jobs, or offering tailored policies for underinsured small shops via their POS systems.

Startups like Cover Genius are at the forefront of using embedded insurance to close protection gaps globally. They partner with companies in travel, e-commerce, finance, and more to reach underserved segments.

The flexibility and convenience of embedded insurance solutions make them accessible to a wider range of people. This makes embedded finance key to closing the global insurance gap.

Embedded Insurance in Different Sectors: A Deep Dive

Property and Casualty Embedded Solutions

Property and casualty insurance lines like home, auto, commercial, and travel insurance are prime areas for embedded insurance growth.

Customers increasingly expect on-demand protection at the point of purchasing or using an asset, rather than shopping separately for coverage later.

We see this with travel insurance being embedded in the booking process via online travel agencies. Or auto protection plans at the dealership when purchasing a car.

Even smart home device makers are exploring integrating home insurance options for new property owners.

Embedded P&C insurance unlocks flexibility like pay-per-use models for assets, micro-duration policies, and usage-based coverage.

Life and Health Insurance Embeds

While slower to adopt than P&C, trends in life and health-embedded insurance are picking up steam.

Customers seek access to coverage like life insurance when most financially relevant, like taking a mortgage or starting a family. Health insurance at points of care is also growing.

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Insurers like Bestow allow taking out term life policies online, embedded in the financial planning journey. Benefits platforms provide health plans embedded where employees enroll.

As life events and health needs become more digital, expect tailored embedded insurance options to follow suit.

The Future of Insurance Distribution: New Models and Strategies

The Role of New Distribution Channels

Embedded insurance represents a huge opportunity for insurers, but requires new distribution strategies.

Rather than direct sales, carriers need to embrace channels like:

  • Online platforms and e-commerce retailers
  • Fintech companies and neo-banks
  • Original equipment manufacturers
  • Point of sale systems
  • IoT ecosystems
embedded insurance

Any digital environment engaging users in commercial activities is a potential channel.

Insurers must integrate with these channels via plug-and-play solutions like API-enabled products.

The Evolution of Embedded Insurance Products

The types of embedded products will also continue evolving from traditional policies. Some trends to expect:

  • More microinsurance and on-demand coverage
  • Usage and behavior-based insurance models
  • Hyper-targeted risk pooling
  • Integrations with IoT ecosystems
  • Bite-sized products embedded in more daily experiences

Insurers will need to experiment with modular products that enable agile integrations.

Open insurance initiatives promoting open APIs and interoperability will also accelerate embedded insurance innovation.


What is embedded insurance?

Embedded insurance refers to the integration of insurance products or services into non-insurance platforms or businesses. It allows companies to offer insurance purchases as part of their existing customer experience.

How can every company become an insurer with embedded insurance?

Every company can become an insurer by offering embedded insurance products. By partnering with insurance providers or using their own insurance platform, companies can offer insurance policies to their customers.

What are the benefits of offering embedded insurance?

Offering Real-time Insurance Embeds provides several benefits. It allows companies to generate new revenue through the sale of insurance. It also enhances the customer experience by offering added services like insurance protection. Additionally, it enables insurers to tap into new distribution channels and reach a broader market.

What types of insurance can be embedded?

Almost any type of insurance can be embedded. This includes auto insurance, homeowners insurance, life and health insurance, business insurance, and property and casualty insurance.

How does embedded insurance work?

Embedded insurance works by abstracting insurance functionality into technology. Companies partner with insurance providers or build their own insurance platforms to offer insurance services to their customers.

Can any company offer insurance?

Yes, any company can offer insurance through embedded insurance. By partnering with insurance providers, companies can distribute insurance offerings and enable insurers to reach a wider customer base.

How does embedded insurance benefit the customer?

Instant Checkout Coverage benefits customers by offering them convenient access to insurance services and products. It simplifies the process of buying insurance by integrating it seamlessly into the customer experience, saving time and effort.

Are there any risks associated with embedded insurance?

While embedded insurance has its perks, it’s not all smooth sailing. Companies diving into this area need to play by the insurance rulebook and make sure they’ve got a solid game plan to keep both their customers and their business safe and sound.

How does embedded insurance impact the insurance market?

Embedded insurance has the potential to significantly impact the insurance market. It expands the distribution channels and introduces new players into the market, creating more competition and innovation in insurance offerings.

How can embedded insurance improve the insurance industry?

Embedded insurance can improve the insurance industry by introducing digital insurance platforms and offering new products or services. It enhances customer satisfaction by making insurance more accessible and personalized, leading to a better overall customer experience.

What is the difference between embedded insurance and traditional insurance?

Traditional insurance is sold as a stand-alone policy requiring proactive purchase. Embedded insurance is integrated directly into a company’s main product/service during the existing customer journey.

How do businesses benefit from offering embedded insurance at the point of sale?

It improves customer experience, drives revenue and loyalty, and provides risk protection for customers that boosts trust.

Are there any risks or challenges associated with embedded insurance solutions?

Mainly around partnerships, integration, regulatory compliance, and customer data sharing. Proper platform governance and APIs can mitigate these risks.

How does embedded insurance contribute to enhancing the customer experience?

It makes obtaining insurance coverage seamless, transparent, and relevant when customers want protection during transactions. This avoids hassle and delays.


Embedded insurance represents an exciting paradigm shift in insurance distribution and an opportunity to close protection gaps for underserved demographics.

By collaborating closely with distribution partners, carriers can unlock new revenue streams and reach new markets with relevant, seamlessly integrated products.

As Checkout Insurance Solutions gains momentum across sectors, insurers must embrace API-connected platforms and look beyond traditional models to tap into this transformative trend. The future looks bright for insurance made invisible yet always available when and where customers need it.

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