Top AnswerThePublic Alternatives for Keyword Research (2023)

AnswerThePublic has become one of the most popular free online tools for keyword research in SEO. It provides valuable insights into the questions people are asking about your seed keywords. However, there are several compelling answerthepublic alternatives that also deserve consideration in your search marketing toolkit.

In this post, I will compare the best alternatives to answerthepublic for keyword research in 2023. Whether you are looking for free tools or paid solutions, I have covered both options extensively.

Read on to find the right mix of keyword research tools to turbo-charge your content strategy and SEO success this year!

Why You Should Consider Using answerthepublic Alternatives

Before jumping into the list of tools, let’s understand why it makes sense to look beyond answerthepublic for keyword ideas.

Keyword Keyword. Here are some of the key limitations of answerthepublic that alternatives can help overcome:

  • Limited keywords per search: You can only enter one seed keyword at a time in answerthepublic. This restricts the tool’s capabilities for extensive keyword research. Alternatives like SEMrush allow multiple keywords.
  • No search volume data: Answerthepublic does not provide monthly search volumes for the suggested keywords. This data is crucial for identifying high-value keyword opportunities.
  • Lack of keyword difficulty scores: There is no indication in answerthepublic of how hard it will be to rank for the proposed keywords. SEO tools like Ahrefs offer this insight.
  • Small question bank: Compared to Google’s full database, answerthepublic’s question suggestions are limited. Other tools tap into more extensive question banks.
  • Few filters and options: Alternatives provide more filters, settings, and features to customize keyword research.
  • No integration with other tools: Platforms like SEMrush allow easy integration with Google Analytics, Search Console, ads platforms, and more.

With these limitations in mind, let’s look at the top 12 alternatives you should consider for keyword research in 2023.

1. SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool (Paid + Free Version)

SEMrush is arguably the most powerful SEO toolkit available today. The SEMrush Keyword Magic tool provides unmatched depth for keyword research.

Key Features

  • Analyze up to 10 seed keywords at once
  • Filter by location, language, device, etc.
  • View monthly search volumes and historical trends
  • See keyword difficulty scores (KD)
  • Get click-through-rate data
  • Integrates with other SEMrush tools
  • Downloadable CSV keyword reports
  • Free and paid plans are available
answerthepublic alternatives

SEMrush crunches search data from over 120 countries. The SEMrush Keyword Magic tool should be on your radar if you are willing to invest in a paid SEO platform.

It provides the full package for keyword research, from rich data to robust filters and customization. The free version gives you limited monthly searches.

2. Ahrefs Keywords Explorer (Paid Tool)

Ahrefs is neck-and-neck with SEMrush as the top SEO software today. The Ahrefs Keywords Explorer reveals untapped keyword opportunities through highly accurate data.

Key Features

  • Enter multiple seed keywords
  • See search volume and trends
  • Click-through-rate and CPC data
  • Refine by keyword difficulty scores
  • Get keyword gap analysis for sites
  • View recommended content ideas
  • Advanced filtering options
  • Customizable keyword reports
AnswerThePublic Alternatives

I like how Ahrefs combines keyword data with content research to suggest related articles you should create. This takes your keyword research from ideas to execution.

The tool is packed with filtering options to drill down on lucrative, low-competition terms. The focus on search volume and KD makes Ahrefs perfect for uncovering profitable keywords.

3. Ubersuggest (Free Tool by Neil Patel)

Ubersuggest is a free alternative by renowned digital marketer Neil Patel. Although not as powerful as paid solutions, Ubersuggest holds its own as a formidable free keyword research tool.

Key Features

  • Get keyword ideas for free
  • Enter multiple seed keywords
  • See monthly and daily search volumes
  • Filter keywords by difficulty
  • View click-through-rate data
  • Export keywords as a spreadsheet
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Available as a free Chrome extension
AnswerThePublic Alternatives

Ubersuggest scans data from Google Autocomplete to generate hundreds of semantic keyword variations. The tool works right within your Chrome browser for easy access.

You get all the core data – search volume, CPC, CTR – without paying a dime. Ubersuggest is ideal for early research before investing in paid SEO tools.

4. Tap Into Exploding Topics Early

Beyond traditional keyword data, I highly recommend exploring emerging topics and viral trends before they explode.

My own proprietary tool, Exploding Topics, provides early detection of rising keyword opportunities.

Instead of relying only on search volume data, Exploding Topics analyzes conversations and momentum across the web and social media. This allows us to surface exploding topics right as they start trending.

For example, Exploding Topics identified collagen gummies as an up-and-coming product to watch in January 2021 – a full two years before searches peaked in January 2023.

answerthepublic alternatives

Subscribers to Exploding Topics get advance notice of breakout keywords so they can ride the wave as interest surges.

Registered Users Get Access To:Details
Search volume growth ratesSee how fast search volumes for topics are increasing
Average product revenuesEstimate revenue potential for trending products
Identify hottest hottest-selling items within nichesIdentify hottest selling items within niches
Average sale priceOptimize pricing for trending products

Free users can access:

  • Trend graphs on the homepage

Pro features ($39/month annually) include:

  • Expanded trend reports
  • Meta trend analysis
  • Startup insights
  • CSV exports
  • API Access

Take advantage of the 1-week $1 trial of Exploding Topics Pro to experience identifying exploding keywords early!

5. Google Keyword Planner (Free Tool by Google)

Google’s own free keyword planner deserves a spot on this list. It lets you tap directly into keyword data from the world’s largest search engine.

Key Features

  • Get keyword suggestions from Google
  • See monthly local search volumes
  • Filter by competition and more
  • View historical search trends
  • Integrates tightly with Google Ads
  • Free to use for all Google accounts
  • Accessible from the Google Ads interface
answerthepublic alternatives

Google Keyword Planner doesn’t provide the depth offered by SEMrush and Ahrefs. However, it’s still immensely valuable for basic keyword research.

You can get monthly search volumes directly from the source. And it seamlessly connects Google Ads campaigns to relevant keywords.

6. AnswerThePublic (Free Tool)

AnswerThePublic is, of course, the tool this entire article is focused on exploring alternatives for! As a free tool, AnswerThePublic offers unique value:

Key Features

  • Discover questions people are asking
  • Get keyword suggestions in question format
  • Easily generate content ideas from questions
  • View Google search autocomplete questions
  • Simple and fast to use
  • Completely free to use
AnswerThePublic Alternatives

Despite its limitations compared to paid tools, AnswerThePublic provides an exceptionally easy way to find question-based keywords. The tool is ideal for writing FAQ content and “People Also Ask” sections.

So while AnswerThePublic alone may not be sufficient, it’s a must-have free addition to round out your keyword research toolkit.

7. AlsoAsked (Free Tool)

AlsoAsked is another free keyword research tool that focuses specifically on mining People Also Ask questions.

Key Features

  • Uncover questions people are asking
  • Get keywords from Google’s People Also Ask results
  • View search volume for question keywords
  • See average CPC data
  • Basic filter for low/medium/high difficulty questions
  • Export questions as spreadsheets
  • Completely free to use
answerthepublic alternatives

AlsoAsked is like a trimmed-down, niche version of AnswerThePublic that’s 100% focused on the People Also Ask feature. It provides an easy way to tap into buyer questions and build your FAQ and PAA content.

8. (Free & Paid Plans) differentiates itself from other keyword research tools through its tight focus on long-tail, low-competition keyword opportunities.

Key Features

  • Get long-tail keyword suggestions
  • See search volume and CPC data
  • Filter keywords by low, medium, high difficulty
  • View click-through-rate for keywords
  • Save keyword lists and track them over time
  • Export keywords to CSV/Excel
  • Free and paid plans are available
answerthepublic alternatives

The tool emphasizes helping you find hidden gems – those specific long-tail keywords with decent search volume but relatively low competition. This makes it ideal for pinpointing untapped opportunities.

Google Trends is not a keyword planner per se. However, it deserves mention here as a great complementary source of data for your research.

Key Features

  • See search trends over time
  • Compare trends across keywords
  • Get data by country and language
  • Find rising searches with high growth
  • Discover seasonality and cycles
  • Integrates tightly with Google data
  • Totally free to use
answerthepublic alternatives

Google Trends should be part of your early-stage keyword research to identify topics gaining popularity. The historical search data reveals seasonal and trending opportunities.

10. Soovle Keyword Tool (Free Tool)

Soovle provides a slick interface and good features for free keyword research:

Key Features

  • Get keyword suggestions for free
  • View monthly search volumes
  • See cost-per-click data
  • Filter by low, medium, high competition
  • Download keywords as a spreadsheet
  • Simple and intuitive interface
  • Completely free to use

Soovle makes it easy to get keyword ideas grouped into categorized folders. I like the clean visual interface with data that is straightforward to browse.

11. Keyword Sheeter (Free Tool)

With its provocative name, Keyword Sheeter doesn’t take itself too seriously. But the free tool offers some unique value:

Key Features

  • Get lots of long-tail keyword suggestions
  • Uses search autocomplete for keyword ideas
  • See estimated search volume for keywords
  • Download keywords as spreadsheets
  • Complete access free of charge
  • Easy and fast to use
answerthepublic alternatives

Don’t let the name turn you off. Keyword Sheeter provides a super simple option for generating long-tail keyword ideas on the fly.

12. KWFinder / Mangools (Free & Paid Plans)

Mangools offers both KWFinder and SERPstat as robust keyword research options with free and paid tiers.

Key Features

  • Get 700+ free keyword ideas per month
  • View search volume and CPC data
  • Filter keywords by difficulty
  • See click-through-rates
  • Track keywords and ranks over time
  • Integration with other Mangools tools
  • Powerful paid plans unlock more features
AnswerThePublic Alternatives

The free version of KWFinder provides a generous amount of keyword searches. And it combines well with SERPstat for rank tracking. Mangools is definitely worth checking out!

13. WordTracker Keyword Database (Paid)

Let’s wrap up the list with WordTracker, one of the veterans in the keyword research space.

Key Features

  • Database of over 1.5 million keywords
  • Filter keyword by 80+ options
  • See search volumes, CPC, and competition
  • Discover long-tail variations
  • Track keyword positions over time
  • Compare keywords side-by-side
  • API access available
  • 14-day free trial
answerthepublic alternatives

WordTracker has been around for over 20 years – and their expertise shows. Their massive keyword database and robust filters make for advanced keyword research.

The tool offers a free trial so you can test drive before committing.

Which Keyword Research Tool Should You Use?

With so many strong options, how do you select the right keyword research tool (or tools) for your needs?

Here are 5 tips for choosing the best fit:

1. Identify your budget – Paid tools like SEMrush offer the most power and customization. Free tools like Ubersuggest are great for early research. Know your budget limits.

2. Consider depth vs. simplicity – Do you want lots of filtering options or simple and fast? Complex tools like Ahrefs allow deep analysis while AnswerThePublic is more simplified.

3. Review key features – Look for specific features like People Also Ask integration, long-tail discovery, historical trends, and more that match your goals.

4. Check integrations – If a tight connection with Google Analytics, Search Console, ads platforms, etc. is important, tools like SEMrush are ideal.

5. Try before you buy – Most paid tools offer free trials so you can test them out. Take advantage of trials to ensure a tool fits your needs.

At the end of the day, your business goals, budget, and type of research should determine which options are best for you. The good news is there are more high-quality keyword research tools now than ever before.

With the right approach, any of the 12 options in this post can help you find winning new keywords in 2023. Take time to experiment with multiple alternatives, and you’ll be rewarded with keyword research that drives real business results.

FAQ About Keyword Research Tools

Still, have some questions about the best keyword research tools? Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

1. Should I use free or paid keyword research tools?

Both free and paid tools have their place in an effective keyword strategy. Free tools are great for getting started and initial ideas. Paid tools provide more advanced data and automation. We recommend starting with free options and upgrading to paid plans if the budget allows.

2. How accurate are the search volumes in these tools?

Most tools claim high accuracy but only 100% precise data comes from Google itself. SEMrush and Ahrefs use complex estimation models across regions and languages. Accuracy varies but should be fairly reliable for automated estimates.

3. Can I get keyword data specific to my country?

Yes, most tools allow you to filter keyword volumes, trends, and competition by country. SEMrush and Ahrefs have high coverage across the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, and many more local markets.

4. How often should I check keyword data?

You should monitor core keywords continuously over time as search behavior evolves. However full in-depth keyword research only needs to be done every few months or for specific projects. Set up tracking in your chosen tool(s).

5. What factors indicate a good keyword opportunity?

High search volume, upward trends, and low difficulty are key signals of a valuable keyword to target. Also, prioritize keywords where you rank #2-5 over very low rankings to focus on achievable wins.

6. How many keywords should I target on a page or campaign?

Quality over quantity! Target 1-3 primary keywords and 4-5 secondary phrases per page. Avoid keyword stuffing. For ad groups, stick to tightly themed groups of 3-7 closely related keywords.

Let’s wrap up by answering some of the most common questions people also ask about choosing and using keyword research tools:

1. What are the best free keyword research tools?

The top free keyword research tools are Ubersuggest, Google’s Keyword Planner, Answer the Public, Also Asked, Google Trends, and Soovle. They provide basic volume and competition data.

2. How is SEMrush different from Ahrefs?

SEMrush and Ahrefs have similar core keyword data, but SEMrush has more focus on PPC while Ahrefs excels at organic research. SEMrush has superior keyword tools while Ahrefs beats it on backlink audits and site explorer features.

3. Can you completely rely on free keyword research tools?

We don’t recommend relying 100% on free tools. While they provide a solid starting point, paid tools offer more advanced features, filters, and integration options to uncover more opportunities. Use free for early research before upgrading.

4. What metrics matter most for keyword research?

The most important metrics are monthly search volume, historical trends, keyword difficulty, and click-through rate. Search volume reveals business potential; trends uncover new opportunities; difficulty indicates the effort to rank; CTR shows user intent.

5. How often do people over-optimize content for keywords?

All the time! Keyword stuffing is a common mistake. Aim for keywords to appear naturally just 2-3 times in an article. Focus on useful content that answers searcher questions rather than rigidly optimizing for keywords. Quality content converts; obvious keyword stuffing hurts the user experience.

6. How do People Also Ask boxes help with keyword research?

Google’s People Also Ask boxes reveal the related questions people are searching for around a topic. Tools like Answer the Public, Also Asked and SEMrush tap into this data to find high-value buyer keywords in question formats ideal for FAQ and PAA content.

7. How can I create keyword tracking reports?

Most tools allow you to save keyword projects and track them over time to monitor search volume changes and ranking fluctuations. Set up reporting dashboards in your tool(s) of choice to maintain visibility on your core target keywords.

That wraps up our deep look at the best answerthepublic alternatives and keyword research tools worth considering to bolster your SEO strategy in 2023 and beyond! Let me know if you have any other questions.

8. What are the advantages of using an alternative to AnswerThePublic?

Using an alternative to AnswerThePublic can provide you with a different set of features and functionalities. It can also offer a better user experience, more accurate keyword suggestions, and the ability to analyze search engine results pages (SERPs).

9. Can I use the alternatives mentioned in this FAQ for specific keyword research?

Yes, the alternatives mentioned in this FAQ can be used for specific keyword research. They allow you to enter a specific keyword or topic and generate a list of related keywords and questions that can help you create content optimized for search engines.

10. How do the alternatives mentioned in this FAQ compare to AnswerThePublic?

The alternatives mentioned in this FAQ offer similar functionalities to AnswerThePublic. However, each tool has its own unique features and interface. It is recommended to try out different alternatives and choose the one that best fits your needs and preferences.

11. Can I use the alternatives mentioned in this FAQ for free?

Yes, most of the alternatives mentioned in this FAQ offer free plans that allow you to use their basic features without any cost. However, some of these tools also offer paid versions with additional features and limitations.

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