Engineering as Marketing 2023: A Complete Guide to Building Free Tools That Attract Valuable Leads

Leveraging engineering as marketing and product development, as a core marketing channel is a proven, high-ROI strategy. Top software companies like HubSpot, Moz, Buffer, and more have built free tools that solve target customer pain points. In the process, these tools generate leads, raise awareness, and demonstrate expertise.

This comprehensive guide will cover:

  • Real examples of highly effective tools major brands have created
  • The many benefits of investing in tool building
  • Strategic principles for designing high-converting tools
  • Tactical tips to maximize lead generation
  • Optimizing tool development and performance
  • Answering frequently asked questions
  • A step-by-step framework to get started building your own tools

Let’s dive in and explore how you can drive growth by leveraging engineering for marketing.

Why Build Free Tools as Part of Your Marketing Strategy?

Here are the key reasons allocating engineering capacity towards creating tools pays dividends:

1. Captures Targeted, High-Intent Leads

A thoughtfully designed tool attracts visitors who match your ideal customer profile. Requiring email signup to access the full tool exchanges value for the ability to nurture leads.

2. Increases Brand Awareness

A truly useful tool spreads organically through word-of-mouth, shares, and links. This seeds your brand across your industry and establishes authority.

engineering as marketing

3. Demonstrates Expertise

Solving real user problems and providing utility shows you deeply understand customer needs better than competitors. This earns trust and confidence in your capabilities.

4. High Leverage

Successful tools can operate indefinitely with little additional work, multiplying your marketing impact. The compounding ROI is immense.

5. Viral Potential

Certain tool types lend themselves to social sharing and embedding on other sites. This can expand reach exponentially in a leveraged way.

6. Market Research

You gain data-driven insights into customer pain points and behaviors from analyzing tool usage patterns and feedback.

7. Satisfaction & Retention

Features users find valuable improve product satisfaction and retention when added to your core offerings.

8. Recruiting Exposure

A popular tool attracts talented engineers/designers who want to work with cutting-edge technology.

The combination of lead generation, brand building, insights and more make tool building a highly effective marketing channel.

engineering as marketing

Principles for Engineering As Marketing

The most successful tools follow several key design principles:

1. Scratch Your Own Itch

First and foremost, build something you personally would use regularly. If the tool solves an itch for you, chances are strong that many of your potential customers need it too. Go after underserved needs you have experienced.

2. Focus on Recurring, High-Frequency Customer Needs

Choose customer problems that occur on an ongoing, repeated basis rather than one-time issues. The more often the need arises, the more opportunity a tool has to prove its utility and stickiness.

3. Automate Tedious, Manual Tasks

Look for repetitive, time-consuming manual work that software can optimize or eliminate. People will flock to tools that make their lives markedly easier by saving them time and headaches.

4. Integrate Seamlessly Into Existing User Workflows

Rather than forcing entirely new behaviors, design tools that slot cleanly into users’ current habits and processes. Reduce friction at every step by meeting customers where they already are.

5. Leverage Public APIs Over Scraping

Pull data from public APIs unlikely to change rather than scraping private sites susceptible to breaking. Relying on stable public APIs leads to more consistent uptime and reliability.

engineering as marketing

6. Optimize For Mobile-First Experience

With 60%+ of all traffic now mobile, ensuring a responsive, thumb-friendly UI is essential for usability and conversions. Don’t create desktop-first tools that fail the portable test.

7. Enable Social Sharing

Include social media buttons, email sharing integration, and embed codes on results pages to maximize unpaid reach. Viral growth through shares and links amplifies your marketing.

8. Build Community & User Content

Encourage user reviews, forums, and submission of artifacts created with the tool. Community deepens engagement and retention while providing social proof.

By designing tools that meet these criteria, you set yourself up for much higher traction, retention, and conversion rates.

Tactical Tips for Boosting Conversions

In addition to core design principles, applying these proven tactical ideas will maximize the leads captured:

1. Require Email Signup

Mandating a valid email address in exchange for full access trades user value for a lead to nurture. Make sure to confirm email validity during signup.

2. Send Confirmation & Onboarding Emails

Thank new users immediately and share links to documentation, tutorials, and related resources to start building engagement.

3. Create Smart Nurturing Campaigns

Follow up with valuable educational content that establishes your expertise before pitching products. Avoid overly promotional sequences.

4. Streamline UI For Low Cognitive Load

Minimize steps to complete tasks, reduce clutter, and avoid manual instructions. Strive for intuitive navigation needing no explanation.

5. Provide Inline Tutorials

For complex tools, embedded tooltip walkthroughs and videos guide users seamlessly. But optimize for simplicity first.

engineering as marketing

6. Offer Guest Use Without Signup

Allowing limited guest access lets users test the tool before needing to provide an email. This previews value.

7. Segment & Personalize Outreach

Customize nurturing emails and offers based on user attributes like role, industry, and company size for better relevance.

8. Highlight Benefits vs Features

Explain how the tool makes the user’s life easier rather than focusing on technical capabilities. Speak to their needs and goals.

9. Structure Data For Consumption

Prepare and format results so users get insights immediately without extra work manipulating raw data.

10. Allow Data Export

Enable exporting results to share with colleagues and integrate into workflows like spreadsheets. This expands usage.

12. Recursive Onboarding

Continuously educate beyond launch with in-tool modals and tips highlighting new features and capabilities over time.

13. Monitor & Continuously Optimize

Analyze usage data, run A/B tests, and track conversions to iterate and improve continuously. Optimization never ends.

Combining a stellar user experience with conversion optimization techniques will maximize the number of leads your tools generate.

Real Examples of Highly Effective Lead Generation Tools

Now let’s explore case studies of successful tools built by leading software companies:

1. HubSpot Website Grader

HubSpot offers an inbound marketing and sales platform. Their Website Grader tool asks users to input a URL and emails back a detailed report evaluating overall marketing effectiveness.

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This attracts HubSpot’s target customers by solving a pain point around assessing website optimization and identifying areas to improve. According to HubSpot, Website Grader generates a large portion of their 50,000+ monthly leads.

2. Moz Open Site Explorer

Moz provides SEO, inbound marketing, and content marketing software. Their Open Site Explorer tool lets users research backlinks pointing to any website. You can see competitors’ links for intelligence and find new link-building opportunities.

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Rand Fishkin, co-founder of Moz, shared that Open Site Explorer increased backlink data available by orders of magnitude compared to what was previously accessible. That immense value cemented Moz as the thought leader in SEO.

3. Buffer Pablo Image Creator

Buffer is the leading social media scheduling platform. Pablo is their free AI tool that creates custom social media images from text in seconds.

engineering as marketing

This solves a major pain point around designing high-quality social images quickly. The signup process and branded designs also generate targeted leads from Buffer’s ideal users.

4. Unbounce Landing Page Grader

Unbounce offers landing page builders and conversion optimization software. Their free Landing Page Grader tool analyzes design, content, and performance – providing a letter-grade report.

engineering as marketing

This tool attracts Unbounce’s target customers by helping people improve landing pages that drive leads and sales. Unbounce says users see on average a 75%+ lift in conversion after applying recommendations.

5. Typeform Survey Builder

Typeform creates online forms and surveys that are interactive and engaging. Their free tool for building surveys and questionnaires aligns perfectly with their product value.

It lets anyone easily create Typeform-like experiences while driving viral lead generation. The tool spreads through users sharing their surveys, leading to millions of signups.

Comparison of Top Marketing Tool Examples

engineering as marketing

ToolCompanyPurposeKey Metric
Website GraderHubSpotEvaluate site marketing50k+ leads/month
Open Site ExplorerMozBacklink researchExponential growth
Landing Page AnalyzerUnbounceImprove landing pages75%+ conversion lift
Pablo Image CreatorBufferSocial media imagesMillions of users
Survey MakerTypeformOnline surveys1M+ surveys created

These examples show the range of highly effective tools driving growth for leading brands. Now let’s dive into key lessons and takeaways.

Key Takeaways on Leveraging Engineering for Marketing

Based on these successful examples and best practices, here are the core lessons:

  • Build tools tailored to your niche that solve real problems to attract targeted, high-intent leads.
  • Require email signup in exchange for full access to capture leads for nurturing campaigns.
  • Send drip campaigns with useful education before pitching to leads. Establish expertise and trust first.
  • Include social sharing buttons, embed codes, and evangelism opportunities to maximize unpaid reach and growth.
  • Prioritize mobile-friendly, low-friction, intuitive interfaces to increase adoption and retention.
  • Track usage analytics, run A/B tests, and monitor conversions to optimize continuously over time.
  • Choose recurring high-frequency customer needs and public APIs for long-term leverage.
  • Support community engagement like user-generated content and forum discussions to boost stickiness.
  • If results are shareable, make exporting and formatting tools effortless to expand the spread.
  • Build for seamless integration into existing user workflows rather than forcing new behaviors.

Getting these fundamentals right is crucial for tools that generate maximum leads and provide lasting value.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to the most common questions people have about building tools for lead gen:

1. What types of tools tend to work best?

Site evaluators, data research tools, design creators, task automation, diagnostics, and productivity enhancers have proven highly effective.

2. Should I build on my own platform or a third-party ecosystem?

Building on an ecosystem like Shopify App Store can power viral growth by exposing you to new users. But managing your own platform allows tighter integration with your products. Evaluate the tradeoffs based on your goals.

3. How can I encourage my tool to spread virally?

Embed social sharing buttons and email sharing integration. Allow easy embedding on other sites. Reach out to influencers and communities to gain initial traction. Offer incentivized referrals.

4. What metrics should I track?

Analyze signups, email engagement, conversion rates, time to convert, traffic sources, tool usage over time, sharing/embedding, customer satisfaction, and more.

Engineering as Marketing

5. How much budget should go to initial tool development?

Start extremely lean with the simplest viable product to test demand before over-engineering. Support and enhance once core traction is proven.

6. How can I get customer feedback to improve the tool?

Send in-app surveys, monitor social media, read reviews, and facilitate beta groups and community forums. Make gathering insights easy.

7. How do I cross-sell tool users on paid products?

Offer a coupon or extended trials in nurturing emails. Highlight capabilities from paid plans absent in the free tool. Hold educational webinars diving deeper.

8. Should I build a web app or native mobile apps?

Start with a mobile-optimized web app for speed, lower cost, and frictionless access. Consider native mobile apps once traction is proven.

9. How can I maximize uptime and reliability?

Leverage cloud infrastructure, implement monitoring alerts, design graceful failure modes, run extensive load testing, and build redundancy.

Prioritizing these facets will lead to higher-quality tools and better results.

A Framework for Planning and Building Lead Generation Tools

With the fundamentals covered, here is a step-by-step framework for implementing the engineering-as-marketing approach successfully:

Engineering as Marketing

1. Identify Target Customer Pain Points

Analyze the recurring problems, bottlenecks, and unmet needs your potential customers face. Prioritize issues that are time-consuming and have clear value in solving.

2. Brainstorm Tool Ideas

Brainstorm specific tools that could help eliminate those pain points. Start broad – all ideas welcome. Categories like automation, analysis, design, and diagnostics are fertile ground.

3. Vet Early-Stage Concepts

Filter down tool concepts based on expected value to users, alignment with target customers, feasibility to build initially, and potential viral spread.

4. Prioritize Opportunities

Rank remaining tool ideas on criteria like projected leads generated, development costs, long-term leverage potential, and strategic alignment.

5. Wireframe and User Test

Create wireframes visualizing the minimum features needed for tool concepts to pass the previous filters. Get user feedback to refine.

6. Develop an Initial Prototype

Build a functional prototype focused purely on the core user value. Avoid over-engineering at this phase. Use no-code tools if helpful.

7. Incorporate Signup Process

Add the email signup gate to get full access. Ensure you cleanly capture useful lead data like role and company.

8. Release Beta Version

Release beta to a small group of target users for feedback. Identify usability issues and bugs before public launch.

9. Create an Onboarding Flow

Develop in-app walkthroughs and tooltips guiding users through key workflows and features. Make adoption easy.

10. Set Up Conversion Tracking

Implement event tracking and UTM parameters to monitor signups, usage, referrals, and conversions driven by the tool.

11. Build Out Nurturing Campaign

Create drip email campaigns that educate and engage users before pitching your paid offerings. Delay hard selling.

12. Develop a Promotional Strategy

Map out a promotion plan including content marketing, social media, influencers, communities, ads, and viral incentives.

13. Analyze, Iterate, and Optimize

Use data and user feedback to continuously refine and enhance the tool. Optimization and experimentation never end.

Moving methodically through these steps will set you up to create highly effective lead-generation tools powered by engineering.

People Also Ask

Engineering as Marketing

1. How much does it cost to build a lead generation tool?

Costs can range from $5,000 – $30,000+ depending on complexity. Many successful tools start simple. Focus on a minimal viable product first.

2. What type of tool should a SaaS company build?

Evaluate your user’s pain points. Tools for analysis, design, diagnostics, and productivity tend to work well for SaaS.

3. How do you make a tool go viral?

Encourage social sharing and email. Allow embedding on other sites. Reach out to influencers to gain initial traction. Offer incentivized referrals.

3. What works better – a web app or a mobile app?

A mobile-optimized web app allows faster, lower-cost development and frictionless access initially. Consider native mobile apps once traction is proven.

4. Can I build a tool if I’m non-technical?

Yes, no-code tools like Bubble allow the creation of functional tools without coding expertise. Focus on business logic over technical complexity.

Closing Recommendations

Engineering and product development can become a powerhouse marketing channel. Top software companies consistently invest in building free tools that attract and convert ideal customers at high efficiency.

This comprehensive guide provided:

  • Real examples of successful tools major brands have leveraged
  • Design principles for creating high-converting lead generation tools
  • Tactical tips to maximize conversions and user adoption
  • Answers to frequently asked questions
  • A step-by-step framework for planning and executing effectively

The strategies and best practices covered will help you drive growth by building tools that solve your customer’s pain points.

The remaining opportunity is to take action on these lessons and begin crafting tools tailored for your audience that generate quality leads. The high-leverage results speak for themselves – all that’s needed is imagination and initiative to apply these approaches successfully.

So which customer need will you solve next with a valuable tool? The possibilities are endless.

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